Which of the following describe the strategy envisaged in the text above to support the achievement of sustainable development?
“The recent World Summit on Sustainable Development, although disappointing to many, did find that sustainable development is part of the mission of countless international organizations, national institutions, sustainable cities and locales, transnational corporations, and nongovernmental organizations. That the oxymoron-like character of sustainable development can be so inclusive must surely lie in its inherent ambiguity that seeks to finesse the real conflicts between economy and environment and between the present and the future. Some combination of development, environment and equity or economy, society, and environment are found in most attempts to describe it. However, proponents of sustainable development differ in their emphases on what is to be sustained, what is to be developed, how to link environment and development, and for how long a time. [..] In practice, groups and institutions tend to acknowledge the many multiple and conflicting objectives to be both sustained and developed but then adopt implicit objective functions that take the forms of such statements as: sustain only, develop mostly, develop only but sustain somewhat, sustain, or develop—for favored objectives. Similarly, hard choices between sustainable development objectives can be avoided by adopting implicit time horizons.”